Crunchyroll prend possession de Right Stuf

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Crunchyroll prend possession de Right Stuf

Messagede SpaceDandy le Jeu 04 Aoû 2022, 21:16

Crunchyroll s'offre le super géant de la vente et distribution d'animation des États-Unis: Right Stuf Anime.
Pour les non-initiés, Rightstuf est l'équivalent américain d'Anime-Store, shop en ligne où passe une large quantité des ventes d'animés aux USA mais aussi en import US. Le label Nozomi Entertainment (chargé de sortir Macross Delta et Frontier) passe également aux mains de Crunchyroll.
CP Crunchyroll (Anglais) a écrit:The news is out! We’re delighted to announce that Right Stuf, one of the world’s leading online anime superstores, has officially joined the Crunchyroll family. Expanding Crunchyroll’s eCommerce offerings, the acquisition aims to serve anime fans and collectors an even wider array of merchandise for online purchase including manga, home video, figures, games, music and everything in between.

“For 35 years, Right Stuf’s mission has been to connect anime fans with the products they love,” said Shawne Kleckner, CEO of Right Stuf. “Joining forces with Crunchyroll allows us to accelerate and scale this effort more than ever before. There has never been a more exciting time to be an anime fan than today!” Kleckner and the Right Stuf team will join Crunchyroll’s Emerging Businesses organization, led by Terry Li.

About Right Stuf
Founded in 1987, Right Stuf is a leading consumer source for anime pop culture merchandise online. By visiting its eCommerce portal, enthusiasts and collectors can find thousands of products, including Blu-rays, manga books, music, figurines, collectables, and more. Right Stuf also offers licensed anime home video products through its own label.

À se demander quand les deux-trois derniers distributeurs notables vont tirer la sonnette d'alarme devant les autorités compétentes chargées de la concurrence. Car oui, il ne reste que Sentai et dans une moindre mesure Discotek en face.

(Alors oui ce n'est pas la France mais cela reste intéressant car en lien et plusieurs d'entres nous commandent fréquemment sur Rightstuf des imports US :wink: )

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