Anime : Silver Will Argevollen

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Zêta Amrith
Kwisatz Haderach
Messages: 10403
Inscription: Dim 08 Avr 2007, 23:14

Re: Anime : Silver Will Argevollen

Messagede Zêta Amrith le Lun 19 Oct 2015, 23:53

Some war stories don't have much of anything to say. Not every anime needs to be deep – some are just raucous, plot-based fun. These shows (for example, most Gundam) are made entertaining by likeable characters, engaging storytelling, and maybe even a spark of originality somewhere. It can be anything – a great design aesthetic, an inspired premise, or even a standout character arc. Argevollen is not this. Until Argevollen, I'd never seen an anime so totally devoid of good traits without containing many actual bad ones. Of my previous disposable releases, at least Captain Earth had the sleek production values I expect out of Studio Bones, Brynhildr in the Darkness had its comically heinous depictions of women, and Hamatora was just all-around ludicrous. It's not even that Argevollen possesses nothing worth watching – there's nothing about it that sticks out in my memory.

While I can't say that I dislike Argevollen's characters, its plotting is impenetrable. The war's progress is depicted on a map in each episode. If you don't look at this map – which is onscreen for maybe a minute – you won't know how the war is going. It's trying to tell a story through diagrams of a battle's progression from a military history class. The problem here is that I don't care. I don't know what the various sides stand for – I can't even tell them apart. Ingelmia is vaguely imperialistic while Arandas is where the main characters are from. So with that a bust, what about the interpersonal drama? What does Argevollen want me to feel? Well, the show's emotional thrust consists of two wartime romances – Tokimune's with the Argevollen's engineer, Jamie, and the jaded commander Ukyo Samonji's with Tokimune's sister. This latter romance, which takes place in the past, ties into the Argevollen's creation. (Can you guess which popular series it ends up ripping off ? It starts with E and ends with vangelion.) Again, these aren't incompetent, just uninteresting. It reminds me of the boring parts of Aldnoah.Zero – lots of characters I barely know in stock relationships that are supposed to wean me over until the war stuff gets serious. But while Aldnoah.Zero eventually unleashed a ludicrous twist, Argevollen doesn't drop one in these first twelve episodes.

The visuals are falling apart from the first scene. While the production is far from impressive, the biggest problem is actually the art design. The main characters all look like they should be extras in another show. The main guys are all some flavor of sad-looking brunette, and I tell them apart by how old they're supposed to be. (Tokimune is young, Samonji is older, Cayenne is old.) I can't tell whether their perpetually overextended chins are intentional or modeling errors. The color palette is a morass of grey and green. It reminds me of Aldnoah.Zero, but without the small splashes of color that made that show pop. The robots (called “Trail Kreigers”) look all right, but again, totally indistinct. If you're a huge fan of giant robots, I don't know how it would stand out for you. Sentai's release is bare-bones, all twelve episodes on one disc with no dub.

Featuring absolutely nothing distinct, Argevollen fails as a piece of entertainment. It's the bottom of the barrel for Gundam knockoffs, lacking even the hilariously awful gimmick that makes some distinct. Maybe it'll improve in the second cour ? But really, who'd even stick around that long ? Me, that's who. I'm in this for the long run, Argevollen. War is hell, and so is some anime.

- Gabriella (ANN)

Voilà le genre de comiques qui font et défont la doxa en vigueur dans le supposé fandom depuis dix ans.

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Re: Anime : Silver Will Argevollen

Messagede Aer le Mar 20 Oct 2015, 00:35

ANN aussi, allons. Y'en a qui ont mis leur urine dans des violons plus jolis.
When you dont afraid any sunshine, come on baby !

行けよ饒舌の 影よ来て導け

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Ryo versus Massue
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Re: Anime : Silver Will Argevollen

Messagede Fisico le Mar 20 Oct 2015, 12:04

Il y a une certaine hypocrisie intellectuelle à citer des titres d'une médiocrité sans nom (Aldnoah Zero et Captain Earth) en sous-entendant qu'ils sont effectivement mauvais, tout en s'en servant comme standard pour des critères ridicules
"Oui Captain Earth c'est nul mais un peu de boobs de temps en temps ça fait pas de mal, oui Aldnoah Zero c'est ridicule mais des plot twists dénués de sens c'est distrayant, oui Gundam ça tend au super robot one man army mais au moins le hand holding et techno babble incessant permettent d'y voir clair dans l'intrigue.
Quoi ? Un show avec des protagonistes qui n'ont pas les cheveux multicolores, où les antagonistes ne sont pas clairement identifiés et n'y font pas leurs sempiternels monologues ? Où il faut utiliser le peu d'intellect nous restant après des années de visionnage d'animé pour comprendre la progression de l'intrigue ?
Mais...quelle horreur !"

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Rédac : Sailor Star
Messages: 10921
Inscription: Lun 23 Avr 2007, 17:49
Localisation: Ponyville, North Dakota

Re: Anime : Silver Will Argevollen

Messagede Gemini le Dim 08 Déc 2019, 21:01

Je viens de regarder les trois premiers épisodes, sans réussir à accrocher. Je ne saurais dire si cela vient de l'esthétique générale qui fait tâche par rapport au contexte guerrier, ou du sempiternel bleu rempli d'idéaux mais dépourvu d'expérience qui découvre un super robot de la mort qui tue dès sa première mission, mais cela a du mal à passer. Je lui laisse encore quelques épisodes pour me convaincre, car je ressens derrière des intentions louables.

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Zêta Amrith
Kwisatz Haderach
Messages: 10403
Inscription: Dim 08 Avr 2007, 23:14

Re: Anime : Silver Will Argevollen

Messagede Zêta Amrith le Dim 08 Déc 2019, 23:59


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Rédac : Sailor Star
Messages: 10921
Inscription: Lun 23 Avr 2007, 17:49
Localisation: Ponyville, North Dakota

Re: Anime : Silver Will Argevollen

Messagede Gemini le Lun 09 Déc 2019, 00:18

Note pour le studio (à propos de l'épisode 4) : si vous voulez mettre des filles à poil, faites comme vous le sentez. Mais si c'est pour devoir censurer les scènes pour la diffusion TV, faites-le proprement, ou ne le faites pas du tout.
A part ça, en tant qu'épisode de transition, cela fait le travail. Sans plus. Mais j'ai toujours un peu de mal avec les personnages de K-On! en guise de mécano, même supervisés par un évadé de Patlabor.


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